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Ethnic-minority students currently enrolled in or within two years post-graduation from an accredited college or university may apply for inclusion in the 2025 internship cohort. Start the process by clicking  below and complete the short application form, provide a resume and you’re in the mix.

In 2017 the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives, a Colorado 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, launched this program and has since placed dozens of ethnic-minority college students into internships in Washington D.C.. Students from across the nation have worked for house representatives, senators and policy analysis firms. Applications are now being accepted for the summer 2025 internship session.

To be considered for an internship applicants must either be least 18 years of age, currently enrolled in an accredited college or university or be within two years of graduation. All academic majors may be admitted into the program as can those who are undeclared. The following steps must be completed:

  1. Complete and submit the online application form below.
  2. Email a resume to info@rm-bc.com. Cover letter, letters of recommendation, transcripts or other relevant documentation should also be included.
  3. Schedule a phone interview. Selected applicants will be contacted for an initial phone interview by POCC Interns staff.


Is privilege real? Yes it is.
This internship program helps address it. Minority students may lack the same access as their white peers, particularly those peers from elite colleges. This disparity is an even greater disadvantage for those choosing to pursue jobs in public service.
POCC Interns empowers and promotes ethnic-minority involvement in our governing process by granting black and Hispanic students access to senior government officials, aids in the development of a stronger professional network and allows them to gain valuable skills and to solidify understanding of exactly how our form of self-governance operates.
Through this program positions once reserved for students of Harvard and Yale are now awarded to students from more obscure or remote universities who formerly did not have this level of access.
The program is available to ethnic-minority students at least 18 years of age currently enrolled in a post-secondary college or university or who have graduated within the past five years.


Participants will be interning with legislative representatives or in some cases with policy analysis firms in Washington D.C. Interns who do not reside in the D.C. metropolitan area may take advantage of POCC Interns’ housing agreement with George Washington University. We reserve a block of dorm rooms which are provided as living quarters at no cost to the interns.


The 2025 term begins June 2 and wraps July 11. Interns who will be living in POCC Interns supplied housing dormitories should plan to arrive after 3:00pm on June 1 and must exit the dormitory by 10:00am on July 12.

How (much)?

In addition to providing housing POC Capitol Interns summer session positions are paid. Interns are compensated $1500 for the seven week term. Additionally, interns who must fly to are eligible for an airfare reimbursement for travel to and from Washington D.C.. Interns are responsible for their own meals, transportation to/from Capitol Hill and incidental expenses.


Washington D.C. internships (an subsequent job offers) tend to go to children of privilege. POCC Interns puts America’s ethnic-minority college students into environments few have access to and provide a resume-builder typically reserved exclusively for those attending so-called ‘elite’ schools.


We need unity and equal representation. America’s political system is increasingly dividing citizens into groups and classes. This should not be so. The one-sidedness of ethnic-minority engagement in politics is damaging to all. Black-Americans represent 13% of the U.S. population but only about 2% of the population on Capitol Hill. Exposing, training and readying younger generations for public service must happen.


What Our Interns Say

The ability to not only see but participate in the nuts and bolts of our system of government was very eye-opening and informative. We learned more working in a senator’s office for a summer than most students do in three semesters of college because it’s not theoretical. It’s real life – you’re actually right there doing it day in and day out.

Catherine Hendrix

Pikes Peak College

Most people wonder what really goes on in Washington. We got to see first-hand and work directly with the people who are shaping the future of our country. We met people most Americans only see on TV and got to go places many never do – all as a part of this internship program. I can’t thank the RMBC enough for this amazing summer.

Evan Rock

Arizona State University

Working on Capitol Hill was an indescribable experience, but the excursions put together by the RMBC program that took us exploring places like the White House, various monuments, and museums was amazing. It was like a 7-week long dream vacation that we got paid to be on!

Afriye Phillips

Oral Roberts University

Wow. This opportunity challenged me in several areas and allowed me to forge great connections with many people both inside and outside of the program. Working in the halls of congress was an experience like nothing else I’ve ever had, it provided a first-hand account of how our government works and was much more than I could ever have learned in a university classroom.

Xavier Foster

University of Colorado