POC Capitol Interns is an outreach of the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives

The divide between black-America and conservative political candidates, parties, and office-holders needs healing. The animosity that has existed for decades serves no productive purpose. In 2010 a small but determined group of concerned citizens in Denver/Colorado Springs decided to do something about it.

That was the birth of the RMBC. Now a registered 501(c)3 organization the RMBC has, through local meetings, film and radio programs, on-the-ground community outreach efforts, live speaking events, writing and social media engagement, been delivering the message of and tools for greater inclusion, outreach and cooperation all across the United States.


1. The fact that 90%+ of black Americans vote in a one-sided manner is detrimental to our communities, families and standing as citizens.

2. Political candidates and parties ought to earn our votes through public debate on their stances on policies, not simply as a result of the letter appearing after their names on a ballot.

3. Persons of color in the United States may hold truly conservative values but live in fear of being stigmatized for voicing those values. This should not be. We are individuals not a monolithic group.

4. Neither political party has a lock on virtue or on vice. Party affiliation is not nearly as important as values and personal integrity. We encourage our minority brothers and sisters to be loyal to principles not people or parties. 

5. Predominantly minority communities are better served by persons and legislation that enables them to build from within. The continuing string of handouts from the federal government are little more than band aids that do not address the root wound. We need to (re)build our communities from the inside, out. Not the outside in.

6. It is time the invisible wall of separation between people of color and conservative candidates, party(s) and elected officials be torn down! We only harm ourselves by refusing to engage in discussion with a political entity because we may disagree on specific policies or issues. Even contentious communication is better than no communication at all.

7. God and country matter. The church has traditionally played a central role in our communities, and still should.


What Our Interns Say

The ability to not only see but participate in the nuts and bolts of our system of government was very eye-opening and informative. We learned more working in a senator’s office for a summer than most students do in three semesters of college because it’s not theoretical. It’s real life – you’re actually right there doing it day in and day out.

Catherine Hendrix

Pikes Peak College

Most people wonder what really goes on in Washington. We got to see first-hand and work directly with the people who are shaping the future of our country. We met people most Americans only see on TV and got to go places many never do – all as a part of this internship program. I can’t thank the RMBC enough for this amazing summer.

Evan Rock

Arizona State University

Working on Capitol Hill was an indescribable experience, but the excursions put together by the POCC program that took us exploring places like the White House, various monuments, and museums was amazing. It was like a 7-week long dream vacation that we got paid to be on!

Afriye Phillips

Oral Roberts University

Wow. This opportunity challenged me in several areas and allowed me to forge great connections with many people both inside and outside of the program. Working in the halls of congress was an experience like nothing else I’ve ever had, it provided a first-hand account of how our government works and was much more than I could ever have learned in a university classroom.

Xavier Foster

University of Colorado